Monday, December 29, 2008


Christmas Eve
This year for Christmas after 9 years of marriage Jeff and I decided it was time to stay home for the holidays. So on Christmas Eve we went to Jeff's cousin Steve's house for dinner, Santa and a white elephant exchange. We had a lot of fun!!! Thanks Steve and Tana for having us! Then we went home to have Christmas Eve with the kids. It started with a later dinner of pasta, sparkling cider, and cake. Parker called it a "Family Date! Then we opened Pjs and My grandma had made some cute quilts for the kids so they got to open those. Then we played games and read stories, put out the stockings and cookies and went to bed. Christmas Eve was really fun! I loved staying home and starting our little traditions with our kids. And it was fun intermixing traditions from both sides of the family. eNJOY the slide show!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Snow Day.....School Cancelled.....I'm Not Kidding!!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


mR. pOrTeR

p. WrIgLeY


CuTe ChRiStMaS PjS

I loVe My BiNkIe!

GoOd SpOrT!

Our friends the Fullers came over to share their cute little baby kAyLeE with us, I thought this picture was hilarious! Parker has been fighting for our attention lately. What a melon that kid has!

Monday, December 15, 2008

I Love the Holidays Because.....
  1. So many fun things to do around this time of year! So HApPy and BrIgHt!
  2. Putting up lights and The Tree ( Kennedy's darling angel she colored at school topped the tree this year.)
  3. Holiday Baking (all those yummy fattening treats) I love new recipes! Thanks Jodi for the Oreo Bon Bons! They were a hit!
  4. Christmas Music (Nov-Jan) Love it!!! (Some of my favorites are playing on my blog near you!)
  5. SHOPPING!!! Black Friday or BUST!
  6. Spending time with your loved ones! You know I LOVE you guys!!!
  7. Santa (We BELIEVE in the magic at our house!) Or you'll get NOTHING!
  8. Last but not least the whole reason we celebrate....The Birth of Our Savior Jesus Christ. Tis the reason for the season! We must Never forget!